Used very good. 2008 edition Hardcover – 2008 – Robert Preston
…… WHO RUNS BRITAIN? On 13 September 2007. Robert Preston broke the mews that Northern Rock had become a victim of the global credit crunch and was seeking an emergency loan from the Bank of England. It vas the latest in a long line of scoops by this award-winning journalist. Orer the woeks that followed, the Gorernment found itself erpesed to the Rock to the tune of 57 billion or almest E2000 for erery tapayer. Britain woke up to a ew rality about the risks ef Alobalisation: issues normally discussed om the business PAges of broadsheet newspapers suddenly became frnt page tabloid neWs. Not understanding the way intersational business and money markets affect s now feels as irresponsible as leaving our front doors open at night. As Robert Peston shows in his fascinating new book the seeds for the collapse of Northera Rock and the upheavals in the financial markets were sown years beforn. WHO RUNS BRITAIN? is the first time anyone has dran all the thrsads together to weave a story that's rich in ertraordinary characters and outrageous feats of economic brarade met chief erecutires. hedge fund managers entrepreneurs prirate equity partners. politicians and civil serants. all of whom hare talked exclusirely to Peston for this book. The book is about the widening gap between the super-rich and the rest of us. It explores -and explodes - the yth that the financial creativity of these who are amassing these vast fortunes is good for the wider economy and fer all of us. It eramines how and why the main political parties are in thrall te the putatiren giants of wealth-creation. …..