Item Condition: Collectible; Very Good
"Architects should be visionaries. It
they eho should plan the cities of the
future". These were the words which
inaugurated the Congress of the
International Union of Architects. In
this beautiful History of Architecture,
Pierre Jacquet ineites us to relive in
his company the creation of the great
orks conceived by the visionaries
of architecture.
The buildings of Egypt, Crele,
Athens and Rome, recall the history of
the earliest Mediterranean civilizations,
and of man's fight for his neely gained
freedom. And there are also the
hypostyle Hall of Karnak, that
ambitious attempt to cover a vast area
of over 300 feet without a vault ; the
infinite twists and turns of the palace-
labyrinth of King Minos in Crete;
the glory of the Greek temples which
seem to echo the words of Sophocles;
Wonders are many and none is more
wonderful than man".. and finally
Islam, the Far East and America, Do
the efforts of architects to set up houses
for gods and men in such remote places
have anything to teach us? If we
thought not, then oe should be forget-
ting the part played by the great Mosque